4 Tips To Fortify Your Brand - Branding Your Startup

Let’s face it: Inflation is a lot to deal with and, when coupled with recession fears, it feels like brands should hold back. We disagree completely.

Startups and entrepreneurs must be savvy about their next move, and many are strapped to the strategy table discussing ways to delight customers and stay cash flow positive. 

But for many startups and SMBs (small to medium size businesses), one critical conversation is often overlooked at the table. It is the conversation that the brand is a vital extension of innovation in business. 

As a result, Startups and SMB brands begin to lack expression until the brand becomes stagnant.  

Consequently, though some customers may choose to stick around - for reasons unknown, growth slows, and competition buries the brand (here is where I would list a few companies who have fallen victim to such downfalls, but I'll leave those names to your imagination.)

Here is the deal! As a Startup/SMB, how can you build (or revive) an industry-leading brand? (Jeopardy Music!!) It's simple. 

  1. First, keep the branding conversation at the strategic level versus allowing it to be an afterthought that trickles down to become the Social Media Manager's responsibility.

  2. Then establish a strategic goal to create a brand that builds an emotional connection with your audience that results in more sales, leads, and referrals.

Once you and your team have done the groundwork (laying out a brand direction), it's time to work on your brand identity. 

Now, before you dive into creating your brand identity, note there is a right way and a wrong way of going about it.

To save you some time and frustration, here are four tips serving as a launch pad to help you build a successful brand identity. 

1. Start with a mission statement

The first step in creating an industry-leading brand identity is to start with a mission statement. This is so cliche - I know, but it’s so true.

Your mission statement should describe what you do and who you do it for — but it should also state how you want people to feel when they interact with your company.

Here’s how:

  1. Define your core values.

  2. Determine what drives your business and brand.

  3. Communicate your mission throughout the company and beyond in clear, concise language that anyone can understand.

For example: “My company helps busy professionals manage their time more effectively so they can spend more time doing what they enjoy most: spending time with loved ones."

2. Know your people 

You need to know who your audience is and what they want.

This doesn't simply mean knowing the age of your audience and that they want more or less of a product.

It's all about knowing their pain points and how you can solve them with your products or services. Then, create content that resonates with them on an emotional level and helps them solve those problems.

3. Lead with a powerful brand name

A name is a lot more than just a word or two. It's the way your customers will remember you, and is one of the top steps in building your brand identity.

Avoid being like the un-greats that pigeonhole themselves with a generic name. Use your brand name as an opportunity to communicate a core value about yourself.

For Instance:

  • Apple is a very friendly name for a computer company.

  • In-N-Out Burger hints at quick an easy, much like their food menu.

  • Playstation gives a pretty big hint at what’s in store.

When you choose a name for your business, make sure it reflects what you do and who you are.

Think about how people will associate that name with their experience with your company or product.

Regardless, understand that your brand name is your most versatile asset. It’s said, typed, emailed, tweeted, printed, designed, embroidered, you name it. We’d suggest making it great.

4. Brand consistently

Your brand should have a variety of consistent elements: logo, typography, overall color palette, tone of voice, and of course all of the more complex concepts like design systems, grids, things like that.

Regardless, your brand needs to feel consistent across all mediums. Your brand should feel branded. 

Around Always Creative, we love to say “it’s brand identity, not brand identical.”

It reminds us that just because you have a specific, consistent look you’re aiming for doesn’t mean you can’t create variety, have interesting expressions, try new things.

Think of your brand like a person. We like consistent people in our lives. They feel normal and dependable.

Now imagine a person who’s voice always changed pitch and tone, who changed general style and haircuts constantly, who doesn’t know who they are or what they should be doing.

You wouldn’t trust that person much. Branding is the same way.

Bonus #5 - Be authentic

The desire to copy a successful brand is tempting (and sometimes beneficial, temporarily), but don't try to be something you're not!

Instead, let your true company personality and brand voice shine through in everything you do (or don't do).

Be authentic! 

Just ask any of the greats: Rick Rubin, Jay-Z, Pharrell Williams, Rolling Stones and many more. They all know that being yourself is the key to building an authentic brand identity.

In fact, in their book The Authenticity Dividend: How Today's Consumers Demand More — And How Leaders Can Deliver (Harvard Business Review Press) authors Jeff Gitomer and Scott McKain say that "authentic brands" are outperforming all other types of brands by as much as 200%.

You may be wondering what exactly they mean by "authentic."

Well, according to them, it means being real with your customers instead of trying to manipulate them into buying your products or services. It means earning trust by delivering on your promises. It means treating people like people instead of dollar bills. In other words:

Treating them how you wish to be treated.

. . .

Okay, okay, let me wrap it up! 

As a takeaway, these tips should help you build a great brand for your startup or SMB, which is critical for the growth of your business. 

We love this stuff, and if you ever need help developing these tips, hit us up for a free 30 minute consultation!

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